Five pre-configured security levels of users: Novice Operator Manager Site Administrator and Enterprise Administrator plus the ability to customize additional levels.
24 total for Visitor form customizable as a check box drop-down menu text field or date
12 for Employee form
6 for Assets.
6 for Packages.
Fields on the Visitor Log can be set to:
Enabled/Disabled: Enabled allows the user to enter information into the field. Disabled prevents the user from entering information by graying out the field.
Required/Not Required: Required fields are marked with an asterisk for the visitor to complete before being checked in.
In Grid: Shows or hides a field from the grid view.
License: Determines the information that is pulled from the driver’s license and scanned into the visitor log.
Business Card: Determines the information that is pulled from the business card and scanned into the visitor log.
EasyLobby SVM supports the following hardware devices: •